Durable Restoration Company

(410) 235-7500
8725 Bollman Place, Suite B
Savage, MD 20763

Durable Restoration is an award winning restoration company specializing in historic masonry & stone restoration, We also perform architectural and historic carpentry, plaster, copper-works and coatings.

Contact Name: Don Turner
Email: dturner@durablerestoration.com
Phone: (240) 470-0136
Job Types: Single Family Residential, Commercial
Specializations: Carpentry, Foundation Stabilization, General Contractor, Iron Works, Masonry, Millwork, Painting, Plaster, Roofing - Sheet Metal, Roofing - Slate, Roofing - Tile, Windows

Year Established: 1991
Number of Employees: 80
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish
Are you licensed or bonded in DC? Yes
Are you a Woman or Minority Owned Business? Yes

Percentage of projects within $0-10,000 budget range: 15%

Percentage of projects within $10,000 - 150,000 budget range: 65%

Percentage of projects within $150,000 and above budget range: 20%
